Saturday, June 12, 2010

Goodbye and Good Riddance!

Just two days after demolition of the sunroom began, the remaining structure came down. Mike got to do two of his favorite things at the same time - stand up on the roof and operate a chainsaw. (It's important to note when watching this video that Mike and Todd are engineers and knew which way the room would fall, etc. Everyone observing the demolition watched from a very safe distance.)

That same day, the deck was torn down. We discovered a set of concrete steps beneath it that must have led up to the sunroom before the deck was built. We also discovered a concrete sidewalk extending from the patio to the steps. We did not however find any dead animals, which was my biggest fear.

The deck was harder to tear apart than expected, with the wood so swollen that the nails holding it together were impossible to remove. Mike and Todd used a circular saw to cut the structure into pieces.

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