Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Beginning of the End for the Sunroom

As soon as Mike received clearance from the City, he was eager to begin the demolition of the sunroom. I did not realize just how quickly he would get his chance.

One Thursday night, I arrived home at 8 p.m. after a very long day. I saw my father-in-law's car in the driveway and suddenly remembered that Mike had said he might bring his brother and sister over for a visit. I parked in the street so I wouldn't block Henry's car in, and as I made my way up the driveway, I heard voices coming from the backyard. I soon became aware of other noises - grinding, whirring, and sawing. Curious, I walked around the side of the house and saw Henry, Aunt Eleanor, Uncle Raymond, and Becky deconstructing the sunroom. Once enclosed by glass doors and screens, it had become an open-air space, resembling a pavilion at a park, with just a roof and support pillars.

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