Saturday, June 12, 2010

Beginning the Kitchen Redesign

When we bought the house, we immediately knew that one day we would have to renovate the kitchen, which was certainly not designed for two cooks! If I had a dollar for every time Mike and I have almost knifed each other while working in such close quarters, I would be rich enough to have someone else do all this work.

We found the biggest problem to be the furnace chimney that ran up and down one wall, sticking out several feet into the room. Another issue was the peninsula attached to the chimney. It contained the stove, oven, and some useless cabinets and extended more than halfway across the room. We were left with a narrow walkway from one side to the other, and if the dishwasher door was open, we were unable to cross the room at all.

To solve these problems, we replaced the existing furnace with a high-efficiency one. This meant the chimney would no longer be necessary because the new furnace would vent from a pipe on the back of the house. Once the new furnace was installed, Mike and our friend Steve removed the entire chimney, from the roof down to the basement, giving us much more room in the kitchen.

Once that was done, Mike shoved the peninsula against the wall and turned the stove in a different direction to give us more room temporarily. What a treat it was to be able to walk from one side of the room to the other with the dishwasher door open! And this was only just the beginning!

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