Sunday, November 4, 2012

Skeletons in My Closet

Okay, so not really, but it had gotten to the point where my hall closet was so disorganized that if there had been a skeleton in there, I never would have known.

As a side project while Mike was getting ready for our rough building inspection, I decided to give my closet a makeover. So I wouldn't distract Mike from his task, I took a trip to The Container Store in Columbus where one of their experts took my poorly drawn sketches of the closet I wanted and translated them into a computer-generated mock up. I was amazed; there on the screen before me was exactly what I needed. I chose the shelving, and the staff there cut all of the pieces to size. An hour after making my selection, they loaded everything into my car, and I was on my way home.

After removing the useless single bar and shelf (the dust on that shelf was really nasty), I began the process of priming, plastering, and painting the space. I even put in a new floor - linoleum squares that look like ceramic tile. The next step was to install the new shelving units, and voila, I now have a beautiful, functional closet. 

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