Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Real Construction Begins

Last weekend, we went through a bit more preparation, and then we were ready to build the frame.

On Sunday, Steve and Katie, who came from out of state to work on our house, helped us with a bunch of stuff. (I totally can't remember at this point exactly what we did because the days are all starting to run together.) But I do know that they finished filling in the moat around the addition while Mike and I attended my cousin's 40th birthday party on Sunday afternoon. When we came home, we were amazed at how much Steve and Katie had accomplished. The yard had finally started to look like a yard again!

Over the last few days, the room has really started to shape up. The photos and videos below show the progress we've made over the last few days:

While all this construction has been going on, I've still been working on saving the rhododendrons. The pile of dirt around their bases is much smaller than it was, and I think they're going to make it!

As an added bonus, Mike ripped the ugly cuppola off the house while he and Steve were taking down part of the roof. I'm so glad it's gone!

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