Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Floor Beneath Our Feet, Part I

We have a new basement floor, and we're well on our way to having a new kitchen floor!

The cement was poured in the basement about a week ago.

We also installed a sump pump, a feature that I simply did not want, but that Mike insisted on having. I admit to having a severe case of sump pumpaphobia after hearing horror story after horror story during my childhood about Uncle Woody's possessed sump pump. However, I felt better once I realized the device is nothing more than a trash can buried in the ground. What could go wrong?

We also spent several days getting ready for the construction of the kitchen floor. Mike leveled out the walls at the new basement entrance.

I secured a lot of washers and nuts along the addition's perimeter.

And before we knew it, it was time to start hammering!

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