Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Dry & Boring Project

Our insulation inspection was a success, and now the drywall is going up!

The first video shows the room insulated before any drywall goes in. The others are pretty self-explanatory.

For those who can't view the videos, here are some photos:

Who would have thought my mother would climb so high on that ladder? Anything to use a cordless screwdriver!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

We Passed Rough Inspection!!!!

About a week ago, we passed rough inspection, which means that we can proceed with the next phase of our renovations.

Mike, with a lot of help from our friend Steve, is currently insulating the addition, and what a difference it makes! No more drafts, no more shivering while cooking.

Once the insulation is done, the inspector will come back to check it out. If all goes well, soon we should be putting up drywall and unpacking all those boxes full of hardwood flooring!

Skeletons in My Closet

Okay, so not really, but it had gotten to the point where my hall closet was so disorganized that if there had been a skeleton in there, I never would have known.

As a side project while Mike was getting ready for our rough building inspection, I decided to give my closet a makeover. So I wouldn't distract Mike from his task, I took a trip to The Container Store in Columbus where one of their experts took my poorly drawn sketches of the closet I wanted and translated them into a computer-generated mock up. I was amazed; there on the screen before me was exactly what I needed. I chose the shelving, and the staff there cut all of the pieces to size. An hour after making my selection, they loaded everything into my car, and I was on my way home.

After removing the useless single bar and shelf (the dust on that shelf was really nasty), I began the process of priming, plastering, and painting the space. I even put in a new floor - linoleum squares that look like ceramic tile. The next step was to install the new shelving units, and voila, I now have a beautiful, functional closet.