Sunday, February 13, 2011

Who's that Creepy Guy Looking in my Window?

No worries, it's just Mike checking out the new window in the butler pantry. Finally, the last of the 12 new windows is in! The other 11 went in in December, but our friend Steve wanted to see how the installation was done, so we waited for a day when he could come over.

Working on the Ceiling in the Breakfast Nook

Last weekend, even though it was freezing, we ventured out into the addition to work on the ceiling in the breakfast nook. Our friend Steve was here, and we decided to take advantage of his help.

Mike's Law: When One Wall Goes Up, Another Must Come Down

At our house, every bit of construction we complete must be balanced by destruction in keeping with Mike's Law.

Here I am tearing out the dining room wall:

And here we are tearing out ceiling panels and shelves in the basement so Mike can do the wiring and plumbing for the butler pantry.